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4 Heartwarming Valentine’s Day Stories  (by Guideposts)

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    Heaven-sent signs, loving surprises and secret admirers—these divine stories show us the many kinds of love on Valentine’s Day.


 天から示されたサイン、愛おしくなるようなサプライズ、そして秘かに憧れる相手 - これらの美しい物語たちは、バレンタイン・デーにおける様々な愛のカタチを教えてくれます。


* heaven : 天国 │ surprise : サプライズ、驚き │ admirer : 熱狂的なファン │ divine : 神聖なる、神々しい


    Make your Valentine’s Day celebrations more meaningful by reading amazing true stories of love. No matter what type of Valentine—romantic love, familial love, or the love between two close friends— Valentine’s Day stories can be a wonderful way to celebrate the day and that wonderful thing called love.




* meaningful : 意味のある、意義深い │ no matter what : ~がなんであれ │ familial : 家族の


It’s a Small World

By Gen Wakely from Griswold, Connecticut


What am I doing? I asked myself as I sat in front of my laptop looking at a stranger’s profile—on a dating site of all things. My husband and I had divorced after a long marriage; we had grown children; and I hadn’t dated since I was a teenager. It wasn’t just introducing myself to someone online that was new to me. Everything about this was foreign.




* laptop : ノートパソコン │ profile : プロフィール │ dating site : 出会い系サイト │ of all things : よりによって、こともあろうに │ divorce : 離婚する │ marriage : 結婚、結婚生活 │ foreign : 外国の、慣れない


My fingers hovered over the “send” button. Lord, I thought, if you think I should really get to know this man, give me a sign. Before I lost my nerve, I sent my introduction. I got a response a few hours later. We started messaging back and forth, and when I was comfortable with our online friendship, we exchanged numbers and moved to chatting over the phone. His name was Jay, and he had a soothing voice that put me at ease.




* hover : (空中で)停滞する │ Lord : 主、神様 │ sign : しるし │ lose one's nerve : 気おくれする、怖気づく │ response : 応答、返答 │ message : メッセをする │ back and forth : 行ったり来たり │ comfortable : 快適な、心地よい │ chat : おしゃべりする、雑談する │ soothing : 落ち着かせる、和ませる │ at ease : 気楽に、リラックスして


“Have you lived in the area long?” Jay asked in our lengthiest conversation yet.




* lengthy : だらだら続く、長ったらしい │ yet : いまだ


“Oh, yes. My daughter went to St. John’s,” I said.




“Small world! My niece, Carla, went there too,” he replied.




* niece : 姪


I caught my breath. One of my daughter’s best friends from school was named Carla. Her mother, Kat, and I were close when our girls were little. “By any chance, is your niece’s mother named Kat?”




* catch one's breath : はっと息を飲む │ By any chance : ひょっとして、もしかして


“Actually, it is!” Jay said. “Kat is my sister.”




* actually : 実際のところ、ていうか


That was all the sign I needed. Jay and I immediately scheduled our first date to meet at the park, and it was the beginning of something new and beautiful.




* immediately : ただちに │ schedule : 予定する、計画する


Family Man



By Sheryl Smith-Rodgers from Blanco, Texas


My heart pounded as I checked my makeup in the mirror. I was going on a date. Not just any date, though. A Valentine’s Day date. It had been four years since my divorce, and though I’d dated some during that time, none of those relationships had panned out—until James. He was the meat cutter at our local grocery store and had a handsome face and a big heart. I’d been so excited to introduce him to my teenage daughter, Lindsey. She, on the other hand, wasn’t exactly thrilled to be meeting him.




* pound : 打つ │ makeup : お化粧 │ none of ~ : ~のいずれも…ない │ pan out : 成功する、お金を生み出す、報われる


The doorbell chimed, and I heard my daughter shouting, “Mom, he’s here!” from the other end of the house. Lord, I fretted, please let this go well.






* doorbell : ドアの呼び鈴、チャイム、ピンポン │ chime : 鳴る │ fret : そわそわ思い悩む、心配する


Hurrying down the hall, I gasped when I opened the door to find James, his arms laden with gift bags, cards, candy, flowers and balloons.




* gasp : 息を飲みこむ、息が止まる、息を切らす │ laden : (重い荷物など)積んだ、抱えた


“Here you go,” he said, handing me a bag and a bouquet. “These are for you. Happy Valentine’s Day.” He followed me into the kitchen.







* bouguet : ブーケ、束 │ follow : ついていく


“All this for me?” I reached for a vase for the flowers.





“Not exactly.” James turned to Lindsey, who was watching us from the doorway. “These,” he said, holding out another gift bag and the balloons, “are for you.” Lindsey smiled. Right then, I knew that this would go well indeed. Because James cared not only for my heart but for my daughter’s too. Fifteen years—and counting—of marriage later, he still does.









* doorway : 戸口 │ indeed : 実に


Love in a Salsa Jar



* salsa : メキシコ料理のソース


By Cynthia Dobbs from Stillwater, Oklahoma


”Happy Valentine’s Day, honey,” my husband said, handing me a simple glass jar with a red lid.




* hand : 渡す │ jar : 瓶 │ lid : 蓋


“I see you’ve recycled the salsa jar, Destry.” I grinned eagerly, excited to see what he’d come up with this time.




* recycle : リサイクルする、再利用する │ grin : にんまり笑う │ eagerly : 


A few years earlier we’d decided that for Valentine’s Day, we would only exchange gifts we had made ourselves. No stuffed animals, no candy and definitely nothing heart-shaped unless it was cut out of construction paper with our own scissors. The gifts that we gave each other were so much more thoughtful. I’d made him oil paintings and recreated dishes we’d had at some of our favorite date restaurants. Destry had once planted new flowers in the garden, and he’d hand-painted vases with my name. And now this old salsa jar full of paper. I unscrewed the top and peered inside.




* exchange : 交換する │ stuffed animals : ぬいぐるみ │ definitely : 絶対に、間違いなく │ construction paper : 工作用紙 │ thoughtful : 思慮深い、考えられた │ recreate : 創り直す │ plant : 植える │ hand-painted : 手描きの │ vase : 瓶、花瓶 │ unscrew : (回して)開ける │ peer : (興味を持って)見る、覗く


“You read one a day,” Destry said as I pulled out a slip of paper.





* pull out : 引っ張り出す │ slip : 細長い紙片


“Do you remember the Cheyenne Diner?” I read aloud. I almost laughed. How could I forget? It was our favorite diner in New York City. We’d fallen in love over plates of fries, midnight breakfasts and slices of pie bigger than my head. I reached in for another note.





* Cheyenne : シャイエーン(ワイオミング州内の市。ここでは、その名がつけられた料理店) │ aloud : 声に出して │ diner : 食堂、飲食店 │ reach in : (対象にふれようとして何かの中に手や指を)伸ばす │ note : 付箋、メモ書き


“Do you remember the boy’s green donut?” The green donut had been a plush toy our son had loved to chew on when he was a baby. We’d been thrilled when he finally gave it up.




* plush : (ぬいぐるみなどに使われる)ビロード状の(生地)、贅沢な、(金額が)高そうな │ chew : 噛む │ thrill : 興奮して大喜びする


I pulled out another note. Then another. And another, until I had gone through them all. Every one had just a single line: “Do you remember…?” By the time I’d finished, there were tears in my eyes.




* line : 行、台詞 │ tear : 涙


“Thank you,” I said, pulling my husband into a hug. It was a Valentine that kept on giving. Whenever I needed an extra dose of love, I popped into that salsa jar for a shared memory.




* hug : 抱擁 │ dose : (薬の)服用


My (Not So) Secret Admirer



By Michael Thompson from Edmund, Oklahoma


”Michael Thompson, you have flowers in the office,” screeched a voice over the intercom as I sat in Miss Eidschun’s seventh grade English class that Valentine’s Day. I frowned, confused. It was a tradition at our school for guys to send flowers to the office for their girlfriends. Girls paraded through the halls with their bouquets, so classmates knew that someone thought they were special. No one sent flowers to the school office for guys.





* screech : 金切声をあげる、鋭く甲高い音がする │ intercom : 館内放送 │ frown : 眉をひそめる、顔をしかめる │ confuse : 混乱させる │ tradition : 伝統 │ parade : 行列で歩く、パレードをする │ bouquet : 花束 │ guys : 野郎たち、男たち、きみたち


The classroom had erupted with laughter. I blushed as I slid out of my desk and headed down the hall. In the office, the principal smiled broadly. “Looks like you have a special someone, Michael.”





* erupt : 噴火する、噴出する │ blush : 顔を赤らめる、恥ずかしがる │ slid : slide - slid - slid 滑る │ principal : 校長先生 │ broadly : おおらかに、大雑把に


Mortified but also curious, I grabbed the bud vase with two red carnations. Alone in the hall, I read the card: “With Love, Your Secret Admirer.” I had to admit it felt good, even if the circumstances were unique. But who could it be?






* mortify : はずかしめる、恥をかかせる │ grab : 掴む、握る │ bud vase : 1~2本の茎用の小さな花瓶 │ carnation : カーネーション │ admirer : ファン、憧れる人 │ admit : 認める │ circumstances : 状況 │ unique : 変わった、おかしな


All day, friends speculated on which girls they thought might like me, but no one admitted to sending me flowers. I figured my secret admirer would remain just that—a secret.




* speculate : 推測する、考えを巡らせる │ remain : 残る、~であり続ける


After dinner, the phone rang—Nana was calling. I’d always been close to my grandmother, who attended every one of my football games, hollering “Get ’em, Michael!” when I went in for a tackle. Nana wished me a happy Valentine’s Day and asked me about school and practice. Finally, she said mischievously, “I heard you have a secret admirer.”





* rang : ring - rang - rung 鳴る │ call : 電話する │ attend : 出席する、参列する │ holler : 大声で叫ぶ │ Get'em : Get them やっちゃいな!それいけ!やっつけろ! │ practice : 日々の習慣的な生活 │ mischievously : いたずらっぽく


Nana! I should have known all along! She was my biggest fan—my not so secret admirer.




all along : (初めから)ずっと


David’s Review







Happy Valentine's Day!!!


Let's discuss!

1.Have you ever given a chocolate to somebody to show your love and admiration?


2.Do you give a gift to your family on Valentine’s Day?